Friday, June 14, 2013
An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Australia
Dear Prime Minister,
I thought I’d reach out to you, as there’s been some clearly bone-headed insanity taking place over the past couple of weeks (or is it months and years?) that has reduced the political debate and news media in this country to a shambles.
I’ve had some quandaries with the decisions you and your government have made over the last three years; like I had some problems with your predecessor’s government (which you were a part of), and infinite problems with the Howard government. All of these problems and counter-points were based on policy decisions and politics, and none of them had anything to do with anyone’s gender or bedroom antics. Aside from anything else, ew. Seriously. Ew.
Your government has made some decisions that bothered me. I’ve disagreed as to the right way to solve certain problems, addressed various grievances and suggested alternatives. As a remorseless, unreconstructed Whitlamite, I’m more than a tad discouraged by the direction Labor has gone in the past few years; at a book signing, I asked Mungo McCallum why he thought the ALP had swung so severely to the right – he countered that they (you) hadn’t, they’d just swung severely to the bottom. Seeking out the approval of the lowest common denominator. Dirty pool, Ms Gillard.
I’ve had problems with your personal style of politics, the manner by which you got to be Prime Minister, your ‘captain’s pick’ of someone grossly unqualified to be in the Senate, the mishandling of the Slipper and Thomson matters, the non-starter that was media reform, and the fact that your big tentpole speech in the House about misogyny directed at Tony Abbott was heralded as some kind of feminist milestone, which it would have been in my eyes as well had you not crossed the floor to vote with him about half an hour later. Your values and principles are really only worth something if you exercise them when it’s inconvenient. But it’s a moot point.
Your feminist credentials haven’t really impressed me that much (said the white middle class, middle aged straight man from the suburbs). I mean, it’s great that we have a female PM, but feminism – to me – suggests equality among all women, with men. And that’s all women, not just the ones that look best in photo ops. Equality under the law and society which should mean leading the charge for the rights of women who are gay and want to get married, women on a boat on the Indian Ocean currently seeking asylum, women in remote Aboriginal communities, or women who are single mothers and used to get more funding than what is in the NewStart allowance. And just on that whole gay marriage thing, can I ask you, how do you look Penny Wong in the eye and tell her that she can’t have equal rights under the law because of who she loves? Not cool. Gay marriage is really none of my business, and it seems like it’s none of yours either. But more on that later.
There was an episode of The West Wing where Sam Seaborn criticised a speech written about rich people and swimming pools, because it looked like it was written by a teenage girl. They have a lot of things to offer the world, but good writing isn’t one of them. Which brings me to the ‘men in blue ties’ speech. It was, to my ear, a bit of clumsy, poor speechwriting that smacked of a 14-year-old girl who had just read the Cliff Notes on The Female Eunuch. Speculation abounded about what motivated this clumsy, to my mind hackneyed bit of sputter shot gender warfare, and frustratingly I agreed with Julie Fuckin’ Bishop when she labelled it a desperate and condescending act of political sleight of hand.
But the media seemed to lap it up. I wasn’t buying it, especially since the forum for this speech, the launch of ‘Women For Gillard’ (the gender equivalent of ‘Christians For Jesus’) appeared to be a cynical exercise born of desperation. The class warfare thing didn’t cut it, so let’s play the gender card. Men in blue ties? Give me a break. Pass.
Then that Liberal fundraiser menu scandal happened. Now, on the surface, it looked to be just more unfunny nonsense, and I was on the verge of giving Mal Brough the benefit of the doubt on whether or not he knew about it. The restaurateur said he printed one out as a joke between him and his son, and it was then leaked to the media. I was thinking that it was dopey and unfunny, but not enough for you to get riled up about. I figured you’d just let it go through to the keeper, but you blew it up, adding fuel to the gender politics fire, which given what’s been going on recently seems like a fair enough choice. I’d have gone differently, as I wouldn’t want to give it credence and encourage like-minded reactionary twits to do something similar. I figured that Mal Brough probably didn’t know about it, because if he did and lied about it, that would make him close to the dumbest man in politics, and not even a Tory from Queensland can be that mentally deficient. I seem to have been proven wrong about this. Then that oxygen thief Joe Hockey seemed to revert back to his seven year old self and rationalised the menu joke by saying that you once called him fat. Truly head-slappingly stupid. I weep for the future of political discourse in this country.
Is it me or is the Australian news media like that dog in Up?
Oh, look, poor poll numbers! Speculation of an electoral wipe out! In-house scuttlebutt! Kevin Rudd on the loose!
Gender politics! Sexism! Men in blue ties! Sexist menu joke! Howard Sattler!
Howard Goddamned Sattler. Prime Minister, as I illustrated before, and many times in various forums, I disagree with many of the things you’ve said and done. The gender thing was – to my mind – clumsy and unnecessarily polarising.
Then 6PR’s ‘turd that won’t flush’ asked you those questions about your domestic partner.
I would like to apologise to you, on behalf of Australian men. On behalf of men originally from Perth. On behalf of thinking primates. Under no circumstances would Howard Sattler have ever questioned Sonia McMahon’s sexuality, or the validity of John & Jannette Howard’s marriage. There is no way anyone, EVER would use the same kind of specious reasoning (hairdresser = gay) for a male political leader. I can’t imagine the Sattler/Jones/Mitchell/Hadley types saying to Tony Abbott, “Well, Mr Abbott, you’re Catholic. Are you a paedophile? It’s just that those kiddie fiddling priests were also Catholic, so, you know, it makes sense…”
I was wrong to assume that your take on gender politics was a cynical exercise or a strategic fake-out. I’m endlessly impressed with the fact that you didn’t just stare at him when he asked you that, and ask him “What the holy fuck did you just ask me?”. I would’ve punched that smarmy, reactionary hack right in his stupid fat head. Where I used to think the more prudent thing would have been to just brush that dirt off your shoulder, all of a sudden I’ve concluded that if you wanted to go militant separatist feminist and start spelling ‘wymyn’ thusly, then it makes perfect sense. Start a riot grrrl band and name roads and bridges after Andrea Dworkin. Anything you say and do on the subject of gender and sexism won’t register a peep out of me from here on in.
The minute I saw that clip, all I wanted to do was that hand gesture blackjack dealers make when they change shifts at the casino. I’m done.
Go to town. I hadn’t given a great deal of thought to voting for your party on September 14, but if this is the predominant mentality incarnate in what would be Tony Abbott’s Australia, then my vote’s with you.
So that’s it. Sorry about the language.
Matt Reddin, chap.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Why I won't See 'The Great Gatsby'. In rhyming verse.
We’re a nation of big talents
It’s a disproportionate imbalance
With a film scene striving to create something new
Such a solid Whitlam decision
To fund the cinematic vision
Of Beresford, Schepisi and Weir, just to name a few
The directors of this nation
Get far-reaching adulation
And their work often brings in box office bucks
But despite this commendation
And analytical self gratification
The simple truth remains: Moulin Rouge sucks
Baz Luhrmann, you’re a hack
You’re the monkey on the back
Of an industry that’s forgotten how to boo
Coz you’ve been hailed as a genius
With a patent love of penis
Since your dumb fucking luck in ’92
You were hailed an artist and an auteur
Whose ballroom dancing film did stir
The heart strings of the entire lemonade set
Paul Mercurio tried to teach us
Lest those new steps would beseech us
And he kissed the girl like he just lost a bet
There was mass widespread acclaim
Although the film was kind of lame
A story based not in substance, but in style
And the one thing that it proved
Is that Australians can be moved
And have way more sentiment than they do guile
Then the worst adaptation yet
Of Romeo and Juliet
With this overly literal interpretation, it was marred
How so quickly we forget
That all the teenagers got wet
Or, if not wet, then maybe ¾ hard
I was thinking, what was next?
What’s with this homoerotic subtext?
Shouldn’t classic plays be closer under guard?
And then thought after I’d seen it
I would never dare to dream it
Kenneth Branagh’s not the only one who messes up the Bard
Baz Luhrmann, you’re a hack
You’re worse for us than crack
If real life was Paradise Lost, you’d be John Milton
I hated every single portion
Of that Moulin Rouge abortion
The only tackier vision of Paris, is Paris Hilton
Did you see Nicole Kidman and Ewan
Who we were meant to think were screwin’
With a plot like that you surely couldn’t lose
But their chemistry didn’t gel
It was the partnership from hell
More fake than her fake marriage to Tom Cruise
It couldn’t possibly be gayer
If the music was by Leo Sayer
With endless close-ups of Ms Kidman’s Botoxed kiss
So many badly sung pop songs
Some films stink, this one just pongs
I honestly thought he was trying to take the piss
Then it turns out that Australia
Was a monumental failure!
When the box office was open, no-one went
Then as he was playing with his nads
Baz did these fucking awful tourism ads
Now that’s tax payer dollars truly well spent
Baz Luhrmann, you’re a disgrace
You should be shot deep into space
For making such pandering, jingoistic bloody nonsense
And your hyper-kinetic pace
Makes me want to punch a dolphin in the face
It’s other people’s money, don’t you have a conscience?
It was well-documented in the Herald
He went and re-imagined F. Scott Fitzgerald
Apparently this is something we needed to see
Adding to the litany of wrongs
He’s filling it with crappy industrial dance songs
And that wanker's gone and filmed it in 3D
Baz Luhrmann must be stopped
From an aeroplane, he must be dropped
He’s a one-trick pony whose trick was never good
While he sucks on the cinematic teat
With fawning sycophants at his feet
If nobody’s tried to stop him, then somebody should
Baz Luhrmann needs to die
Nobody would wonder why
Although some may have cause to hazard a guess
As the movie world would be cleared
Missed only by his trophy wife-slash-beard
Because this ugly world would suck a little less
There are a plethora of ideas
People have been pitching them for years
But no producing bastard will return their calls
So as far as I can tell
They can all go straight to Hell
For spending all their time ladling on his balls
I’m not saying that I’m jealous
Although these words have been quite zealous
And the film industry is filled with talentless fucks
And it may sound glib and pissy
To despise this film making sissy
But the simple truth remains: Moulin Rouge sucks.
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